
Swisslos offers its Instant Games online


25.06.2009, adesso AG adapts game portfolio of Swiss lottery company for the internet Swiss lottery company Swisslos has taken its product line of instant games online with the help of IT service provider adesso AG.

The “Instant Gaming Platform” (IGP) project is another step in the company’s strategic decision to gradually expand its online gaming services. The first instant products called “Cash”, “Glückwürfel” (“Lucky Die”) and “Tresor” (“Vault”) are already available, further interactive instant games are being planned. “Classic Lotto”, “Sporttipp” (Sports Betting) and “Euro Millions” have been available online for a while now, football betting “Totogoal” has recently been added.

Flexibility and security were decisive factors in choosing adesso In a tender process, adesso AG was chosen as service provider for the implementation of the instant games due to the flexibility of its solution in|FOCUS Instant. The module integrates seamlessly with the existing Swisslos infrastructure, both in terms of security and ERP workflow. The solution works flawlessly with Swisslos’ existing infrastructure for data security and consumer safety. Security measures integrated in in|FOCUS additionally ensure that instant games are tamper-proof: Tickets are generated prior to the start of each individual game, thus rendering any retroactive intervention impossible. The entire data traffic as well as the game logic is encrypted, additional front-end security procedures prevent unauthorized user access.

Technology and service provider have to consider distinct Swiss situation Swisslos’ market, consisting of 19 Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein, has to meet specific requirements for its online offerings. The country’s three official languages German, French and Italian have to be taken into account during planning and implementation. in|FOCUS Instant’s modular structure facilitates work efforts due to its strict partition between user frontend and underlying game logic. This enables localization into each of the three languages without changing the basic program code. Additionally, the specific demands of Swiss lottery law and the Swiss supervisory authority could easily be met.

Provisions concerning player protection, such as game duration and frequency, were part of the concept and quickly implemented. Even preliminary save states for each field on scratch cards could be integrated into the game logic, so that players can seamlessly pick up scratching where they left off.

“adesso won the tender because of its flexible solution and the industry competence of its experts. They eventually succeeded against much bigger companies”, Daniel Luder, project manager at Swisslos explains. “With the adesso solution, we remain independent of external partners, because in|FOCUS Instant is easy to use. Our internal staff can not only develop ideas for new games, but implement them without external support, too.“

in FOCUS Instant comprises the entire portfolio of instant games, starting with the design of individual lottery ticket series, via save and reliable drawings to the maintenance of winnings displays. Swisslos staff administer the game portfolio via an easy-to-use graphical user interface, which also enables them to effortlessly add new games. With in|FOCUS Instant, interactive game solutions can be developed that far exceed the mere digital reproduction of scratch tickets. These interactive games create new incentives for existing users and draw in new prospective customers.

adesso AG did not only deliver the in|FOCUS Instant module, but also accounted for the integration into Swisslos’ existing IT infrastructure. Additionally, adesso implemented the first three games, including game logic and the user interface, after Swisslos’ designs. adesso’s consultants and developers could draw on their broad experience from similar projects at German lottery providers like Lotto Hamburg GmbH, Westdeutsche Lotterie GmbH & Co. OHG or the Loterie Nationale Luxembourg.

The online demand for instant games confirms the Swiss lottery company’s decision to introduce “digital instant gaming”. Project leader Daniel Luder: “The number of users far exceeds our expectations. Consumers embrace our growing online game portfolio, which we will further expand in the near future. We will not only offer traditional games on a new medium. Instead, we plan to use the specific opportunities of the medium internet to open up to new target groups as well.”

Über Swisslotto:

Die SWISSLOS Interkantonale Landeslotterie ist eine Genossenschaft. Genossenschafter sind die Kantone der Deutschschweiz und der Kanton Tessin. Im Auftrag dieser zwanzig Kantone bietet SWISSLOS Lotteriespiele an - Zahlenlottos (z.B. Swiss Lotto, Euro Millions) und eine ganze Palette von Losen.

Der Reingewinn aus diesen Produkten kommt vollumfänglich der Gemeinnützigkeit zugute. Nutzniesser sind zum einen die kantonalen Lotterie- und Sport-Toto- Fonds, die damit gemeinnützige Projekte in den Bereichen Kultur, Natur, Soziales und Breitensport unterstützen. Zum andern der nationale Sport - namentlich Swiss Olympic und der Schweizerische Fussballverband - der via Sport-Toto-Gesellschaft von SWISSLOS profitiert.

SWISSLOS ist im Auftrag der Sport-Toto-Gesellschaft auch zuständig für die Vermarktung und Durchführung der Sportwetten Toto und Sporttip.

Hotline: 061 284 14 15 (deutsch) 061 284 14 16 (französisch) 061 284 14 17 (italienisch)

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