Galaxy Entertainment Group (“GEG”), one of Asia’s leading developers and operators of integrated entertainment and resort facilities and a member of the Hang Seng Index, wholly owns Galaxy Casino S.A., a gaming concessionaire that received a gaming concession from the Macau SAR government in 2002. Authorized to carry out casino games of chance in Macau, GEG marked the entry to Macau’s gaming industry in 2004 through the launch of the first of four distinct City Club casinos. Achieving instant success, GEG continued to grow and expand the businesses, and within a few short years, GEG took over Macau’s lucrative VIP gaming market, emblazoning the name of GEG on the world’s gaming map.
Recognized as the world’s single biggest gaming market, Macau dominates as the world’s largest generator of gaming revenue and the only location in the People’s Republic of China where gaming is legal. Conducting business in this vibrant and culturally diverse city with a focus on the “Asian Heart” qualities, GEG offers exceptional services and world-class integrated entertainment and leisure facilities that complement the Macau SAR government’s sustainable and diversified development objectives. Indebted to the support of the community, as well as its affiliates and GEG members, GEG continues to excel.
As a responsible corporate citizen, GEG shoulders its responsibilities. Striving for the creation of a better Macau, GEG contributes to establishing Macau as the “World Center of Tourism and Leisure”. Supporting the city’s different cultural and multi-faceted development initiatives, collaborating with Macau’s different community and social services organizations and participating in local charities, GEG also attends to the needs of its employees and their families. Determined to become the “Employer of Choice”, GEG attempts to establish a healthy work-life balance for all members (for details, please refer to the section on Corporate Social Responsibility).
Currently, GEG owns and operates StarWorld Hotel and Casino – a luxury 5-star property on the Macau peninsula, and operates four City Club casinos in Macau. Fulfilling its long-term commitment to transform Macau into a highly sought international destination for travel and recreation, GEG is developing one of Asia's most exciting and prestigious integrated leisure and entertainment resorts in Cotai – Galaxy Macau™. Opened on 15 May 2011, Galaxy Macau offers Macau the city's first truly Asian-centric and fully-integrated resort destinations and for GEG, prospects and opportunities for long-term growth.
On 27 May 2015, GEG opened the doors to the highly anticipated and greatly expanded Galaxy Macau resort and the brand new Broadway Macau. Billed as the Most Spectacular Entertainment and Leisure Destination in the World, the opening marks HK$43 billion of a HK$100 billion planned investment by the Group in Macau. It is also the first major resort opening in Macau since 2012, marking a new milestone for the city.
GEG has already outlined its concept plans for Phases 3 & 4 of its Cotai landbank and expects to commence site investigation works in 2015. In addition, the Group has also entered into a framework agreement with the Hengqin authority to develop a 2.7 square kilometer land parcel for a world class destination resort in Hengqin. This project will complement GEG’s business in Macau and differentiate the Group from its peers, as well as play a key role in supporting Macau to become a World Center of Tourism and Leisure.
With a firm commitment to contribute to the diversification of the region’s leisure and entertainment industry, GEG promises to develop and nurture local talents, promote local culture and to contribute to Macau’s long-term growth.
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